What Every Manufacturer Should know about eFashionCentral.com

eFashionCentral.com does not generate any form of income from manufacturers. Our income is solely generated by monthly fees paid by our member stores.

Each season you will provide eFashionCentral.com with your images and style details when you are ready to release them.

  1. The images and style details are loaded onto our internal database.
    Your images are not posted on an eFashionCentral.com website. In other words, eFashionCentral.com does not get between you and your stores or the stores and the consumer. eFashionCentral.com is simply a program that your stores use to upload your images to their websites so they can promote your product to the consumer. The images are now available for your stores to upload from the database directly to their website with just a few clicks. We will continually provide you with our current client list. You are responsible to confirm that your stores are following your online policy for Internet sales, etc. and that they are using your images in a way that you have approved.
  2. There are three options available to you to control which eFC clients can have access to you images:
    -You can require a password; the store would have to call you for a password to be able to upload your images to their websites.
    -You can block/allow access to specific stores; you would review our list and tell us which stores are allowed to upload your images.
    -You can allow access to your images to all of our clients; we can provide you with weekly updates of which clients have uploaded your images.
  3. Once your images are uploaded to the database we will send you a current client list. You can contact the stores that you sell that are on our client list upon receipt of the email from us informing you that your products are ready to be uploaded. We do not encourage our clients to (or discourage our clients from) uploading particular products. They are automatically advised on their eFC Admin Panel that a collection is available on the database. You may also contact clients on our list that you do not sell with information about purchasing your product. The fact that your product is on our database will be a strong selling point to our clients.
  4. THIS IS NOT REQUIRED, however if you are willing to put a link from your store locator to the store’s eFC website, the store can give you a special url (web address) that will take a consumer from your store locator directly to your product on their website! The store will give you this special url, which they generate from their Admin Home panel.
  5. We do not ask that you commit to any long term agreement with eFashionCentral.com. It is totally up to you each season if you will make your images available or not. If there is any reason that you decide that you do not want your images on our database we will remove them immediately.

Please let us know when we can expect to receive your images. Once I receive a confirmation from you we will advise our stores that your images will be available on the database. Once they are ready to be uploaded you (or your sales reps) can contact your stores that are using the eFC program to encourage them to upload your images to their websites. You can also solicit stores from our list that you are not currently selling to let them know that your images are now on our preloaded database.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Sal Macaluso

Please view the following helpful documents:

FTP Upload Instructions
Example SpreadSheet
Thank you for making your images available (letter)